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Here’s How You Can Make this Festive Season Tooth-Friendly!

With just a couple of weeks left for Christmas, most of us are already in the festive mood. This means you are already participating in the traditions, routines, and parties you have to during this time of the year with friends, family, and colleagues.

Eating and drinking form a major part in the social calendar, especially during Christmas. Christmas cakes, gingerbread, and puddings become a norm during the parties. While it’s natural to (sometimes) over-indulge, it’s important to take a moment and think about its impact on your oral health.

Our teeth become 10 times more suspectable to wear and tear during the festive season. Amid all the celebration and family time, our oral health tends to glide down the priority list which means we might pay little less attention than usual.

In order to help you keep your teeth fit and in great shape, we’ve put together a few easy tips on how to take care of your teeth during the festive season.

Try to Cut Down Sugar Intake

Whether it’s chocolates, another slice of Christmas cakes or a piece of gingerbread, snacking on sugary treats is one of the major causes for bad oral health. When we snack on these sweet-treats, our mouth gets constantly exposed to the acid attacks; and paying less attention to dental health care means your teeth have slim chances to recovery. It’s no brainer that consuming too much sugar leads to tooth decay, which leaves you with a nasty toothache and in worst condition even tooth loss.

Hence, it’s best to cut down sugar consumption and limit it to just mealtimes. We aren’t saying you should stop having your favorite treats, but it’s important to reduce the number of intakes. You try sugar-free or low-sugar alternatives like cheese or nuts; as they make a fantastic festive snack and also doesn’t torment your teeth.

Don’t Compromise on Normal Oral Health Routine

During this time of year, all of us have jam-packed schedules. We agree Christmas is the time to socialize with friends and family but that shouldn’t become an excuse to disregard the oral health routine. Whether you are out until the wee hours celebrating or at home spending quality time with family – it’s extremely crucial to stick to the normal routine. Don’t forget to brush twice a day for at least two minutes. Besides, make it a habit to floss to remove the plaque build-up in between the teeth.

Drink Plenty of Water to Stay Hydrated

Staying fully hydrated during the summer is crucial for oral health. But, be sure to make the right choices when comes to choosing beverages. Nothing can replace water when it comes to keeping yourself hydrated. Drink plenty of it throughout the day. Also, it is seen that drinking right after eating can remove the acids from the mouth and reduces the possibilities of dental decay and erosion.

These simple tips will ensure you have tooth-friendly Christmas, however, if you have any kind of toothache right after the festivities are over, contact AuraDentists. Our qualified dentists will help you diagnose the problem and offer the best solutions.

Finian Christensen

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