What Are Teeth Sealants?
Teeth sealants are a type of dental treatment that can be used to protect the teeth from cavities and tooth decay. Sealants are usually made from a type of plastic material, and they are applied to the surface of the teeth in order to create a barrier between the tooth and food particles.
Sealants can last for a couple of years and are often recommended for children and adults at a higher risk for cavities and tooth decay.
How Do Sealants Work?
Sealants work by creating a barrier between the tooth and food particles. When you eat, small food particles can get lodged in the crevices of your teeth.
This can allow bacteria to grow, which can lead to cavities and tooth decay. Sealants act as a barrier, stopping food particles from getting stuck in the crevices of your teeth, and this helps to reduce the risk of cavities and tooth decay.
Who Should Get Teeth Sealants
While dental sealants have been shown to be effective in preventing tooth decay, the decision of who should receive them is still the subject of some debate. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children receive sealants on their molars as soon as they come in, typically around age six.
However, the sealants should be reserved for children at high risk for cavities, such as those with a history of decay or poor oral hygiene. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to get sealants should be made on a case-by-case basis by a qualified dentist.
Regardless of who ultimately receives them, it is clear that dental sealants can play an important role in protecting teeth from cavities.
What Are The Benefits of Teeth Sealants
Dental sealants are a preventive dental remedy that can save you a lot of money and pain in the long run. Sealants are thin, clear or white plastic coatings that are applied to the chewing surfaces (grooves) of the back teeth-premolars and molars.
These surfaces have tiny grooves (pits and fissures) that are difficult to clean because they are too deep for a toothbrush bristle to reach. When food particles and bacteria get trapped in these grooves, they form plaque, which can lead to tooth decay. Sealants act as a barrier, protecting the tooth enamel from plaque and acids.
Sealants are most effective on permanent molars, which usually come in around age 6-12 years. But they can also be used on primary (baby teeth) and adult teeth that have not yet decayed. Your dentist can help you decide if sealants are right for you or your child.
How Long Do Teeth Sealants Last
Sealants typically last 5-10 years before they need to be reapplied, although some may last longer. You should avoid chewing hard foods or biting your fingernails while the sealant sets (hardens), which usually takes about 24 hours. Otherwise, there is no downtime after having sealants placed – you can eat and normally drink right away!
The best way to remove sealants is with a special drill at the dentist’s office; at-home methods could damage your tooth enamel. Once removed; however, your sealants can be replaced if necessary.
Overall, dental sealants are an extremely effective way to prevent tooth decay – especially in children who may not yet have developed good oral hygiene habits! They are also relatively inexpensive and easy to place, making them a great option for anyone looking for an extra layer of protection against cavities!
Get The Perfect teeth Sealent With Aura Dentists – Leading Aura Dental Boutique and Clinic. Connect with us to know more about further dental procedures.